People Management (valid from WS 2023/2024) (Complete module description)

People Management (valid from WS 2023/2024) (Complete module description)

Original version English
OWEMBA Module 06 5 CP
Module label People Management
Module code OWEMBA Module 06
Semester of first implementation
Faculty/Institute Offshore Wind Energy MBA
Module used in courses of study / semesters
  • Offshore Wind Energy MBA (Master-Abschlüsse) > Offshore Wind Energy MBA 0 CP Offshore Wind Energyth valid from WS 2023/2024 > studienbegleitende Leistungen
Responsible person for this module
Østergaard, Flemming (module responsibility)
Kühne, Uta (Module counselling)
Psychogios, Alexandros (Examination)
Mulhall, Wayne (Examination)

To be able to pass the course, the participants must show understanding of the theory, be able to put the theory into a practical context and create good solutions for the study cases. The form of evaluation is a portfolio, which will consist of:
 Active involvement during physical workshops
 Oral and written presentation of assignments (including eventual updates)
 Reflection over the course and feedback

Skills to be acquired in this module

General learning outcomes
The following general learning outcomes are covered by this module. Students will be able to..:
 Autonomously read on new theories and methods (LO1)
 Apply new theories and methods to practical challenges (LO2)
 Manage complex situations in offshore wind energy business (LO4)
 Evaluate consequences of solutions (LO7)
 Show leadership capacity and teamwork skills (LO8)
 Communicate challenges and solutions to relevant stakeholders (LO9)

Aim & module specific learning outcomes
Aims of the module:
 Develop students’ understanding of managing people in organisations.
 Show that leadership is a balance between meeting needs for organisational integration and adapting to the organisational, local national, international contexts.
 Make students aware of a series of new ideas, concepts, and practices of people management based on scientific insights from complexity science, behavioural science and neuroscience.
Module specific learning outcomes: Students will be able to…
 realize the aspects of effective leadership and performance management of people and organizations
 understand in-depth the inner dynamics of human brain enabling organizational decisions and boosting leadership capabilities targeting at high performance levels of individuals and teams
 understand how to manage people in organisations
 evaluate own competences in leadership

Module contents

The Brain Adaptive Leadership approach will be utilized that relates to the intellectual mindset about leadership as well as to underlying emotional dynamics and brain automations. Moreover, the Complex Adaptive Leadership approach will be used to explain complexity and change in modern organizations, providing with insightful ideas and practices of how managers can deal with challenging situations. Special, emphasis will be given on leadership style and specific change management practices that enhance team and organizational performance.

Form of instruction Lecture, seminar or introductory course
Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency Every 18 months
Module capacity 15
Time of examination
Credit points 5 CP
Share on module final degree Course 1: 0%.
Share of module grade on the course of study's final grade 1
Reference text

Course theme
In order to cope with optimization and industrialization requirements on the one side and with still challenging risks on the other side the competences of every staff member as well as the leadership capabilities of managerial staff will play a crucial role in order to achieve success. Whereas a typical participant has a strong technical background and yet quite some experience in management and leadership this module offers a further development of leadership competencies based on cognitive insights and practical application.

Teaching methods
 Innovative teaching methods: We strive for actual competencies needed in the industry. During class, actual consultancy tasks and problems will be presented and the MBA students will then apply theory in a real-time scenario and solve actual problems for the partner firms.
 Exercises & Behavioral Experiments: through specific exercises and behavioral experiments students will be able to make sense of issues related to the study of people management within organisations as well as to apply theoretical frameworks in practice.
 Short Clinic Cases: particular short case-studies associated with aspects of people management will be analyzed and discussed through the contribution of lectures. This method will help students to develop a particular awareness and understanding of the module’s topic as well as a critical thinking.
 Self-study: We expect the participants to hold a high degree of self-discipline and show up well prepared to class, being motivated to share their knowledge.
 Live cases: Business cases will be analysed to prepare the participants for future leadership requirements within wind energy.
 Workshops: Students will meet up physically two times during the module, to solve actual problems raised by partner firms.
 Forum, chat and messaging: All students can get in contact with their lecturer and fellow students to discuss, elaborate and clarify issues, ask questions and exchange views.

Form of instruction Lecture, seminar or introductory course
Course name Learning/teaching form Lecture, seminar or introductory events
Workload of compulsory attendance 30
Workload of preparation / homework etc 0
Workload of independent learning 120
Workload (examination and preparation) 0
Workload total 150
Workload self-arranged work (module-oriented 120
Total module workload 270
Type of examination
Frequency Winter semester
Capacity unlimited