MBA Thesis (valid from WS 2023/2024) (Complete module description)

MBA Thesis (valid from WS 2023/2024) (Complete module description)

Original version English
OWEMBA Module 14 5 CP
Module label MBA Thesis
Module code OWEMBA Module 14
Semester of first implementation
Faculty/Institute Offshore Wind Energy MBA
Module used in courses of study / semesters
  • Offshore Wind Energy MBA (Master-Abschlüsse) > Offshore Wind Energy MBA 0 CP Offshore Wind Energyth valid from WS 2023/2024 > studienbegleitende Leistungen
Responsible person for this module
Kühne, Uta (Module counselling)

Achievement of at least 35 credit points in the Offshore Wind Energy MBA-program so far.
An application for approval of the proposed topic must be submitted by each candidate to the study board. The application must contain
 a description of the subject,
 the written consent of the lecturer who has provided the topic,
 the scheduled start,
 an indication of whether the work is to be done individually or in a group; the other group members must be named.

Skills to be acquired in this module

Aim & Learning Outcome
The Master's thesis should show that the candidate is able to independently work on a problem scientifically and methodically within a given period of time and to classify it in interdisciplinary contexts.
The students demonstrate with a master thesis tha
t they are able to systematically work on and
solve a complex and specific management problem at Master's level, supported by scientific
findings and using scientific methodology.

Module contents

The topic has to be within the scope of the Offshore Wind Energy MBA. It may be provided by any or all lecturers of the Offshore Wind Energy MBA. The person to be examined must be given the opportunity to submit proposals for the topic.

The Master thesis consists of a written paper (maximum of 150.000 strokes per student) and a colloquium.
The master thesis can be an experimental or empirical part, it must contain a written part.

Form of instruction Lecture, seminar or introductory course
Languages of instruction
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency An application for approval of the proposed topic may be submitted at any time.
Module capacity unlimited
Time of examination module finalising
Credit points 5 CP
Share on module final degree Course 1: 0%.

The Master thesis is supervised by the 1st examiner, who is a MBA lecturer with academical background and by the 2nd examiner, who is involved in the MBA, but does not come from the same company as the MBA candidate.

Share of module grade on the course of study's final grade 1
Reference text

The master's thesis can also be written as a group work with up to three students. In the case of a group work, the contribution of each member of the group must be clearly identifiable.
The study board shall determine the date on which work on the thesis is to commence and the final date for completion. The topic will be announced to the examinee.
The colloquium on the Master's thesis should take place at the next possible date, at the latest six weeks after submission of the thesis. It will not take place until the Master's thesis has been graded at least "adequate".
In the colloquium, the candidate shall prove that he or she is able to independently represent the solutions developed in a discussion on the subject area of the Master's thesis in an interdisciplinary and problem-related manner on a scientific basis. The colloquium should take place at the next possible date, at the latest six weeks after submission of the thesis. The colloquium shall be conducted jointly by the examiners of the Master's thesis as an individual examination or, in the case of a group thesis, as a group examination. The duration of the colloquium is usually 30 to 60 minutes for each examinee. A failed colloquium can be repeated once within a period of two months.
Minutes of the colloquium shall be taken for each person to be examined and shall be included in the examination files. They shall contain information on the examiners, the members of the examination board present, the subject, the duration and the course of the examination, the assessments made and the examination grade awarded and, if necessary, mention any special events that occurred during the colloquium. The minutes shall be signed by the examiners.

Form of instruction Lecture, seminar or introductory course
Course name Learning/teaching form Lecture, seminar or introductory events
Workload of compulsory attendance 0
Workload of preparation / homework etc 0
Workload of independent learning 450
Workload (examination and preparation) 0
Workload total 450
Workload self-arranged work (module-oriented 120
Total module workload 570
Type of examination
Frequency Winter semester
Capacity unlimited